“The Variety Bash is not a race or a rally, it’s a fun and social event, or in the words of the originator Dick Smith, ‘A drive in the outback with a few mates’ in cars that are at least 30 years old (with an awesome theme!). A once in a lifetime chance to experience remote and regional parts of Australia that you might otherwise not see, all in support of Variety – the Children’s Charity. Throughout the Bash, participants visit local towns, stopping into schools and organisations to visit the kids.” – quote from Shelley Farrell – External Relations Manager – Variety.
Celebrating WA’s 30th Anniversary Bash in August 2018, CERT had the privilege of sponsoring participant Ben McGuire and his teammate Rob Brack. Joining 119 other participants, in 31 Bash cars, they set off from Optus Stadium on 18th August and spent the next 8 days travelling over 1500 kilometres through regional WA with overnight stops in Popanyinning, Bunbury, Margaret River, Karri Valley, Mt Trio camp site, Kojonup and Boyup Brook with several school visits to entertain the children, before finishing up in Mandurah.
Bens first Bash was in 2011 and he and his team have participated every year since then. Through personal and corporate donations, the team raised over $8,000 in 2018 bringing the total during their 8 years of participation to over $110,000 and a grand total for the 2018 Bash to $604,000. This money is used to assist children and families facing challenges through sickness, disadvantage or living with special needs.
CERT representative, Graham Barnes, WA State Manager met with Ben recently to congratulate him and his team on their remarkable efforts for 2018 and wish them good luck in 2019.
CERT Training provides a wide range of responsive, flexible, innovative, and cost-effective training solutions, and can deliver these training packages in any of their facilities located nationally or contact us to discuss training delivery on-site at your premises.
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